
Tips You Can Try To Increase Productivity and Get Things Done

3 Mins read

It’s easier to talk about productivity than it is to practice it. You sure have a mountain of emails to check that almost looks like Everest. Every day there are many mishaps that not only decrease your performance but also sour your good humor. Would you believe us if we told you that with a few simple changes you will work better than ever?

Famous psychologist, writer, and trainer said who is going to reveal some secrets so that we can take an important step forward. Here are some tips to increase productivity and get things done.

Do things one at a time

Sometimes we just want a myriad of targets and work that we have to finish immediately. However, you are not superhuman. You cannot complete a job that takes one month in one week. Even if you can, the results are likely to be less than good.

Therefore, creating a personal curriculum on job planning is very helpful. The next tip is to reach your target by doing it one by one. When one job is done, do another, and so on. That way, you can focus and not think about anything else that hasn’t been completed.

The hour of greatness

This is the only hour I take in the morning to prepare my mind, body, and spirit for the day that awaits me. This routine consists of reading an uplifting book for 15-20 minutes, rewriting my goals while visualizing the achievement of each one, and meditating on the productivity of my creed while looking at my to-do list.

Only this can drastically alter my productivity levels. Instead of staring at all the negativity in the newspapers or on the news, enjoy preparing your mind for a great day.

Learn to prioritize

Beyond being clear about what we are going to do throughout the day. To improve our products it will be necessary for us to be able to prioritize what should be done first. What runs the fastest and what is most important (for this reason it is so important to organize before and not leave the most relevant for last).

Obviously, the less urgent and unimportant tasks should be left for later. An exception could be the one that would occur if we get stuck with a task or it depends on others finishing theirs. In which case we can go on doing other tasks to take advantage of the time, preferably simpler so that we gain confidence and let’s take off work for later.

Start at the end, not the beginning

Don’t wait until the end of a project to write your conclusions. Better do a quick preliminary investigation and formulate tentative conclusions. Go ahead, verify that they are correct, and then write your conclusions.

Many people take six to seven weeks to gather all the information they need and only in the end do they try to arrive at the key answers. That is an inefficient way to approach a project because after gathering too much information, you will see that a large part is not useful for your objective.

Take small pauses

The human being cannot be constantly focused on a task, since our mental resources are limited. Although it may seem contrary to the idea of ​​increasing productivity. It is advisable to take small breaks of a few minutes from time to time. So that our energy level can be maintained for longer as it is restored from time to time.

However, these steps should be short and not excessively frequent. And should not be done when you are fully focused on a task. About a five to ten-minute break every hour would be best.

Recognize and reward yourself

It is important to value and recognize our effort and our work, even if we consider that what we have done is simple. We are not saying that we do an exercise in narcissism, but we are saying that we allow ourselves to feel satisfied with ourselves if we believe that we have given the best of ourselves.

It is also advisable to be able to reinforce yourself and reward yourself either with positive comments, doing pleasant activities for us at the end of the day, or even indulging ourselves from time to time.

Last words

Productivity is a person’s ability to turn their efforts into something useful. The time and energy spent must produce something beneficial for him and also for others.

So, don’t forget to apply the tips above to increase productivity and get things done. At first, it might look difficult, but after doing it Bob guarantees you can do it. So, are you ready to be more productive today? Keep up the passion for work, OK!

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