Parents know the effects of exposure to pornography on children’s lives. Children who have been exposed to pornographic material can experience mental problems and have impaired development.
In today’s digital era, children are more easily exposed to media that explicitly presents pornographic content. If parents do not supervise, pornography may be contained in video games or any content.
Maybe the child does not understand, but maybe he will also ask questions about pornography to the parents innocently. Talking about pornography to children can be very awkward and embarrassing. However, if the child already asks, parents should not avoid it. This discussion needs to be done to provide an understanding of healthy sex in children.
However, along with the increasingly advanced times and the internet has become attached to the lives of children, exposure to pornography that is spread freely and widely in cyberspace must be watched out for. With its ease of access, it is possible for a mother’s child to also watch porn on his smartphone. This can also be supported by the influence of his friends at school.
No need to worry, this time we will provide prevention strategies so that children are not exposed to pornography. Look carefully at the following list!
Apply rules and discipline in the family as early as possible
Every family must have its own rules so that they can run the best they can. Small examples, for example, are the rules for children’s playing hours, daily tasks, and what can and cannot be done. This includes strict rules and disciplines regarding watching types of films that contain pornographic elements.
If he accidentally sees a scene that leads to pornography on television or anywhere else, then teaches them to close their eyes, because they are not old enough to see that.
But keep in mind, don’t just forbid it, Mama also needs to explain to her why they have to obey these rules so that she can accept what Mama orders with all her heart. Without an accurate explanation, he will be more curious about it. It is also possible that later he will watch pornography secretly without his knowledge.
Open Communication and Build Closeness
Communicating openly is the key to the relationship between children and parents. If a child is caught seeing a pornographic video, the parents can share it with the child, ask how the child accesses the video, and how did he feel when he saw the video. Also, parents can express closeness in the form of a hug or a smile so that the child does not feel afraid and guilty.
Give a robust religious foundation.
It is not enough just with family rules, you also need to teach religion to your children from an early age.
Therefore, to prevent pornography in children, it would be better if mothers also gave understanding to them based on their religion. Every religion also definitely prohibits negative things like non-educational and dangerous shows for a child’s mental and brain, such as pornography.
To make it even more convincing, the mother can show him the verses that contain restrictions on this. You also have to keep reminding your children about the dangers of pornography.
Parents can provide understanding to children about body anatomy, reproductive organs, and sexuality. After all, the child must understand this. Parents can explain according to the child’s age.
Parents do not need to feel taboo when providing sex education to children. An understanding of body anatomy is an important asset for children to protect themselves.
Limit internet usage for children
The main axis of the problem of pornography in the world is internet access which is very easy to enter into these sites. Therefore, as a parent, it is better if parents limit internet use for them. Get used to using gadgets as a means of communication and socializing, not negative things like that.
In addition to limiting internet use, the mother also has to filter sites that are not suitable for children to access so that when she is watching YouTube, there are no pornographic videos on it.
Fill his days with positive activities
One of the things that can cause children to watch pornography is the lack of activities they undertake. With the free time he has, it is not impossible if his curiosity cannot be stopped so he accesses pornographic videos via the internet secretly.
Therefore, to overcome this, their parents need to give her positive activities, such as tutoring or participating in organizations inside or outside of school. That way, his busy life is filled with positive things, so there is no more curiosity about pornography.
So, those are seven ways to prevent pornography in early childhood. Even though it may seem impossible, in fact, nowadays many young people are exposed to the negative effects of pornography.