After the birth of the first baby, most moms suffer from difficulties in breastfeeding for various reasons. The issues regarding breastfeeding exist all over the world. Almost all moms have gone through the breastfeeding experience. For a few weeks after the birth of a baby, the moms generally find themselves confronting the breastfeeding issue. The women belonging to different cultures deal with such problems in their own way. The common issues of breastfeeding include swollen nipples, an insufficient supply of milk, and painful discharge of milk. The elderly women prescribe their own remedies in some societies; however, the women in the advanced country don’t try such remedies with interest. To help moms breastfeed their babies successfully, the following ten secrets are very useful.
1-Better understanding about breastfeeding
When a woman gives birth to her first baby, she experiences great hardships. Breastfeeding is one of them. It is essential on the part of a pregnant woman to better understand how to breastfeed the baby in the right way. The aged women in the family can better guide the pregnant woman about breastfeeding.
2-All breast nipples are not similar in size and shapes
The women are physically different from one another; some have tiny nipples, and some have large ones. Too small as well as too large nipples cause problems for a baby to suck easily. If the baby cannot be fed well, its health will be badly affected. The mom with too little or too large nipples can use the nipple shield in the early days of breastfeeding when the baby is too little to adjust itself to the problematic nipples.
3-Painful Breastfeeding
Most women in the early days of breastfeeding feel severe pain in their nipples. The pain gets more severe when the baby sucks fast. Instead of compromising with the severe pain felt in the nipples, the women need to consult a doctor or an elderly woman to settle this issue. However, a home-devised remedy is worth mentioning here; the mom can let some breast milk stay on her nipples; the breast milk contains natural skin softener. Also, it contains antibodies to fight infection.
4-Insufficient Breast Milk
Some of the moms regret the production of insufficient breast milk. The baby remains hungry despite sucking nipples. The solution to the problem is quite easy. You need to know that in some women breast milk is not sufficient enough to feed the baby well. However, it happens mostly in the few early days after the birth of the baby. The solution to the problem is quite simple. The mom should let the baby suck the nipple too often. With the sucking of the breast, the hormones that trigger the breast to produce milk get released. The milk production increases as a result. This process is called the let-down reflex.
5-Both Breast don’t produce milk equally
Some of the moms are found complaining that the breast milk is not being produced by both breasts equally. Yes, it so happens with the moms that simply feed the baby from one breast. The milk-producing hormones become inactive in the breast that are not sucked by the baby. It is, therefore, necessary for new moms to feed their babies on both breasts.
6-Lactation Cookies Improve Breastfeeding
Some of the women are advised by the doctor to use lactation cookies to accelerate their breastfeeding ability. The lactation cookies are readily available in your nearby department or drug store.
7-Some reasons for a low supply of breast-milk
Generally, the insufficient supply of breast milk occurs in the early days of breastfeeding. However, some women complain of a continuing lack of supply of breast milk. It is notable here that breast milk runs short in some women due to health issues. Breast milk runs short due to emotional factors in some women. Some women have medical conditions, including diabetes, stress, and high blood pressure. Moreover, the use of medication, drugs, smoking, excessive use of alcohol, or previous breast surgery causes an insufficient supply of milk in the breasts.
8-Pay attention to your diet for better breastfeeding
Your breastfeeding very much depends on your diet. The women with an inadequate supply of nutritious diet fall prey to different health issues. The low supply of breast milk is one of them. The proper nutritious diet resolves this issue correctly.
9-The use of an electric breast pump for better breastfeeding
Some of the doctors prescribe the use of an electric breast pump to the moms for the regular flow of breast milk in the early days of breastfeeding. A mom can consult a doctor before using an electric breast pump.
10-Stay in touch with baby for better breastfeeding
The working women don’t stay in touch with the babies all day long. They cannot provide their babies with sufficient breastfeeding. Most breastfeeding issues occur on account of the gap between the mother and the baby.