
Tips for Getting Enough Exercise During Your Pregnancy

2 Mins read

Physical activity is an important part of a healthy pregnancy and after a discussion with your doctor. If they say that it’s okay for you to stay active, then you should also know the right activities to do so that you get enough exercise. Here are some helpful tips to ensure that you get the exercise that you need throughout your pregnancy.

Know When to Stop

When exercising during your pregnancy, it’s important to stay safe throughout. Before you ever start exercising, you need to know the danger signs. These should serve as a warning that you are either going overboard or something is wrong. Speaking with your doctor is important because they will not only advise you but they will also tell you what the danger signs are.

Some signs that you should heed include getting a headache, feeling faint and dizzy, experiencing chest pain and muscle weakness, feeling short of breath, and getting regular and painful contractions of your uterus. These are just some of them, so talk to your doctor for a comprehensive list of the signs that should alert you to danger and have you head to the emergency room right away.

Stay Hydrated

Another important tip that you should keep in mind while you are pregnant and trying to stay active enough is to stay hydrated. Drinking enough water is important for everyone, but especially pregnant women. This is because it helps keep your body temperature down, as overheating during pregnancy can be dangerous for a number of reasons. Even if you haven’t been exercising on a regular basis, along with the 60% of women in the United States who don’t engage in physical activity to the recommended amount, you can start now. Keep this up until after you deliver so that you can stay flexible, heal faster, and even lose additional weight that you may have gained.

Exercise at Home

If you are one of the 81% of Americans who have a lawn, you should take advantage of it. As long as it’s not extremely hot or humid outdoors, you should try to exercise more outside your home. This will make it easier for you to stay active, as you can probably do some modified yoga and pilates. This could also motivate you to have your yard in a neat and beautiful condition throughout. With a tidy yard, it will be easier for you to stay active because you’ll adore the scenery.

Try Water Workouts

Finally, if you are among the 17.12% of Americans aged between 18 and 29 years who own a pool, spa, or hot tub, you can take advantage of water-based exercise. From swimming to stretches in the water, most water activities will make use of a large number of your body’s muscles. This enables you to exercise for longer periods of time without straining a specific muscle. You will also have minimal chance of getting dehydrated as you won’t sweat and lose body water while you swim.

Make use of these tips to remain healthy throughout your pregnancy. When you do this, you will minimize the risk of developing complications during pregnancy, while delivering your baby, and afterward.

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