5 Time Management Tools to Keep You Focused at Work

2 Mins read

With the Pandemic sending just about everyone into quarantine, we have had to make a huge adjustment to working from home. Remote work is convenient, but not without its fair share of challenges. Constant distractions, lack of focus, and restlessness can all contribute to poor time management while on the clock, especially when your room is also your office. In this blog post, we’ll look at some easy-to-use time management software that can help you utilize all 8 hours while working from home.


If you are working remotely for a non-profit or smaller company, you may not have a digital punch-in and punch-out system enabled. Toggl is an easy solution to tracking your own working hours. Not only is the interface incredibly easy to use, but it also only occupies a small window of your screen, remaining almost unnoticeable. Toggl allows you to specify which project you are working on as well, giving you the perfect labeled punch card whenever you need it.


Timely is incredibly handy as well, working on both your desktop computer and mobile device. This app works on both PC and Mac/iOS, ensuring that you can access it from anywhere, anytime. Timely allows you to estimate the time needed for a project while comparing the actual time you spent. This helps maximize productivity and keep you on track to meet your goals.

Google Tasks

Out of the 1.8 billion websites operating simultaneously at any given time, the solution to your time and task management problem may be no further than Google itself. Google Tasks serves as a digital to-do list, letting you integrate Gmail accounts to build tasks. This software is completely free to use, so give it a try!


If you are looking for an application that helps manage, tasks, time, and teams, then Jumppl is highly recommended. Jumppl has a clean and simple interface, allowing for team chats as well as 1-on-1 chats. Additionally, this app lets you upload documents and share them with clients, involving them in every step of the team communication. If you want to keep your entire team in the loop and on track, give Jumppl a go.


Forest is a mobile app that helps you stay focused with visual reminders. When you want to avoid a certain time-wasting website, you plant a seed. Your tree grows as you avoid the site, and if you meet your goal, your tree fully grows. This virtual reward is sure to keep you motivated on your tasks. The developers even plant a tree in real life with the in-game rewards you earn for planting and growing your focus trees.

Clearly, the internet is full of genius ways for you to reclaim your time. Throughout your workday, don’t forget to take breaks from projects. Incorporating a software into your work game plan is the first step to feeling good about your work accomplished at the end of the workday, so download one today!

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